Posted Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Walton Central School District on Wednesday unveiled a new look to its website. 
The site incorporates Walton’s traditional orange and black colors, and features photos at the top, along with easier navigation. 
"This revision is part of our #WaltonEvolving initiative to provide great service to our students, staff, and community,” Walton CSD Interim Superintendent Larry Thomas said. “The cleaner, more modern look should result in a better user experience."
Some of the features include:
- Easier access to each school’s website;
- The middle features three columns with the school’s newsfeed on the left, social media feeds in the middle, and calendar on the right; 
- The bottom features a “find it fast” section, with many of the more visited areas in a quick-to-access area. 
- Links to the district’s social media sites are now available at the top, and bottom of pages. 
Please note, the website will be a continuous work. Some new pages are being built. Less visited pages (including older photos) will be taken down. A mobile app will also be unveiled sometime this fall.  
We hope you find the website more aesthetically pleasing, as well as easier to navigate.