Posted Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Walton’s high school band, orchestra, and chorus recently participated in the High Note Music Festival in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. 

Each year the music department prepares all semester to play for high quality music judges at a spring adjudication festival. This year’s adjudicators were music professors from nearby colleges. 

Each judge gave written and verbal comments as the musicians performed. These recordings are used to help educate and encourage the students and give them hints about how to be better musicians and performers.  

The chorus and orchestra, directed by Rebekah Doig, each received a rating of excellent. The band, directed by Raymond Bartlett, received a rating of superior. 

Following the performances, the students spend the rest of the afternoon at Hershey Park.
See photos of the groups below. 
 High school band
 High school band
 High school chorus
 High school chorus
High school orchestra